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Living in the world, while trying to follow by faith in the Word. Yep: the struggle is real.

In the midst of our chaotic, busy, go-go-go mentality type world that we live in these days, I wanted to take a minute of reflection of some deep rooted pain I’ve been experiencing , and the freedom and wisdom I’ve gained from enduring it . I wanted to take a moment to write about that, and share the growth, strength,  and fruitful blessings that are available  to all of us through the power of The Cross. It’s a fight I’ve been battling through, and I pray someone else may be able to relate while reading this page, and be inspired while leaving it.   Much of my life I have practiced the habit of ignoring God’s signs,  pushes, and plans for my life; of being completely and totally self-indulgent.  I’ve chosen my ways over His time and time and time again. Not because I have any desire to disobey Him; my heart is set on quite literally the opposite. But this world that we live in doesn’t encourage us to walk by faith… to follow “Emmanuel: God with us.” The world around me encourages me
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2019: a year of surrender & sweet new beginnings.

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Confessions of a living, breathing, growing, praying human being.

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Listen. Love. Give Away Grace.

Hey lovers of life! How are you feeling today! I hope these words find your eyes in a place of peace and happiness wherever you are! Maybe it's been a great week so far. Maybe you're having one of the worst days imaginable. Wherever you may be, remember, you're here right now. You've made it this far today, and with some deep breaths, and gratitude, you'll make it til tomorrow as well!  Regardless of where you are, I think it's more than a necessary time for some inspiration and motivation in each of our lives. I know I have surely been eager for the time to write, and with recent world events, I'm happy I have that time today.  Many of you may have seen the Facebook live video that I posted this past weekend. If you haven't, I encourage you to go peep my profile and watch it, as it may be one of the most important and weighted things I feel that I've said in a long time, on or off this blog.  To recap, I've been super heavy in thou