In the midst of our chaotic, busy, go-go-go mentality type world that we live in these days, I wanted to take a minute of reflection of some deep rooted pain I’ve been experiencing , and the freedom and wisdom I’ve gained from enduring it . I wanted to take a moment to write about that, and share the growth, strength, and fruitful blessings that are available to all of us through the power of The Cross. It’s a fight I’ve been battling through, and I pray someone else may be able to relate while reading this page, and be inspired while leaving it. Much of my life I have practiced the habit of ignoring God’s signs, pushes, and plans for my life; of being completely and totally self-indulgent. I’ve chosen my ways over His time and time and time again. Not because I have any desire to disobey Him; my heart is set on quite literally the opposite. But this world that we live in doesn’t encourage us to walk by faith… to follow “Emmanuel: God with us.” The world around me encourages me
New Years resolutions are things I've always set but never bothered to fully tackle or hold onto necessarily. So for this year, I decided to write a mission statement for the year instead! Rather than the "do this in 2019 or else you're a failure of all things" mentality (you know we all feel that when we break resolutions), I decided to approach the year with ways I want to live, lifestyles I want to develop, and new ways of heart re-setting I want to grow into. This way, I have guidelines and goals of ways I really want to embody and live. They're merely ideas to focus into rather than tasks to check off of a list. If I create the awareness of how I want to live differently than years past, I can practice these ways more and more, go back and read this again and again, and keep making myself better and more focused with each day. I think this is a great trajectory for myself, but also felt encouraged to share it here for anyone else looking for a God-focused res